Friday, 6 November 2015

Task Five - Understanding the techniques of music videos - 'Elton John and Kiki Dee'

Whilst filming this video I had to make sure I took a number of different shots from different angles whilst retaking shots that didn't quite work out. The process of creating it was challenging because I needed different shots of the same thing to make the editing more successful, to make sure that the actors were in the right place when I needed them to be I ensured that they could both hear me and see me so there was no confusion. When the camera was rolling I made sure I said 'action' to make everyone aware that filming was in progress. To make sure the performances looked realistic I asked the actors to actually sing the words, then when it came to editing I removed the audio and replaced it with the song. The editing process took longer than other editing I have done previously as it was done in a different way. To create the music video I edited on different levels so the footage was layered upon one another, this meant that I could cut from the main singers to the backing singers without ruining the shot. To make sure the lip-syncing was effective I uploaded the song and used the 'marker' button to pinpointing when the different singers started singing and when they finished, I could then match up the footage I took with the song. To make sure I edited to the beat I used the same method of marking when the beat came in and the key points at which you could hear a distinctive change in the music. 

I think that overall the video was a success as the music was matched up well with the video of the characters singing. I was able to layer the shots so that the image changed when I needed it to make it run a lot smoother. The range of shots meant I could keep the viewer entertained whilst still creating the desired effect. However if I could go back and redo the video there are a small number of changes I would make to allow smoother running of the video. For example at around 53 seconds I inserted a footage of the main singer but the words didn't quite match up with the mouth of the singer and I then carried on that shot instead of changing back to a wide shot when Kiki Dee's part was sung. I would also ensure that when the backing singers started singing, the official video wasn't playing in the back of the shot, I could do this by mixing up the shot and shooting them from another angle. Other than this minor mistake I believe that the video was a success as it gave me the chance to see if I could edit to a beat when needed and I learned how to edit on a number of different levels/layers. 

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