Friday, 27 November 2015

AS 2 - Task One - Choosing the track/gaining permission

The song I have chosen for my music video is called 'Castle' and it's by an artist named Halsey. My group decided to use this as it has a good beat to it and whilst we were listening to it we thought of a range of different ideas on how to make the video interesting. As a group we agreed that this would be the best choice of artist and song from the range we thought of. It was the most appropriate and it is easy to mime along to meaning the editing stage will be easier. We have decided to use the green room to create images that may not be possible where we live, for example the idea of the castle being in the video. Where we live there are no castles or abandoned houses so we decided the green room would be the best option. 

Below there are screenshots of me asking Halsey through twitter for permission to use her song for our music video. It is important to as for permission ask if we don't we could be in trouble for copyright and that is a serious offence. The artist is entitled to know that their music is being used by other people than themselves and they must be aware of this other wise they can press charges against us. 

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